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Watch our Live Interview with Nina!


c: Nina Eggens


At Rockin Cushions, we’re obviously huge fans of recycled and repurposed style, and that passion led us to become huge fans of Nina Eggens. In her blog, Nina’s Apartment, Nina gives style advice, creates killer style moodboards, and writes about her life in Valencia, Spain. She is a woman of many hats as a freelance content writer, interior design consultant, digital nomad tour guide, mom of two boys, even a singer in a band. We reached out to her in hopes of collaboration and got so much more. We chatted with her Tuesday on Instagram Live to learn more about how she got her start, how she’s handling 2020, and where she sees herself going from here.

Like us, Nina makes an effort to live sustainably. She focuses on buying second-hand furniture, not only to reduce waste, because it’s her favorite kind of furniture: pieces with personality and a history. Soulful living, to her, is embracing the reuse and recycle of furniture, furthering a piece’s connection to human life. She doesn’t follow trends, and instead embraces an eclectic style that, “combines IKEA with vintage.” That’s why her home is filled with both the old, the new, and the personal: vintage furniture in a beautifully restored, 100-year-old Spanish home with elements of biophilic design, and most importantly, her children’s paintings on every wall. 


c: Nina's Apartment 

“[My] blog is about conscious or soulful living: finding inspiration in everyday life, being mindful, being creative, caring for the planet and others.”

Nina’s Apartment


Nina has been running Nina’s Apartment blog for more than eleven years. When she moved to her first home in Scotland, she decided to chase her passion fully, leaving her office job and giving her blog a physical space. Inspired to actively, “treasure hunt for a living,” she opened up her own vintage-furniture store– aptly named Nina’s Apartment. The shop attracted a lot of her readers to see her style up close and personal. But in 2016, her shop burned down. And with other big life changes came knocking, Nina had no idea what the future would look like. But her customers came back. Inspired by her shop, they asked her if she did interior design. That summer she worked on a few interior design projects, and although she’s less a fan of the execution and more aligned with the inspiration side of interior design, it helped her move forward. She decided to take a risk and move her family to Valencia, Spain– to take a chance, persist forward, and get some sun. Since then, she has rebuilt herself up as a content freelance creator, keeping her blog strong and continuing to produce inspiring design moodboards. And although Spain doesn’t have a great reputation for recycling– with many throwing second-hand furniture to the curb for collection– Nina continues to work towards a sustainable future in design.


c: Nina's Apartment


Nina’s story is the story we need in 2020: a story of resilience in the face of a brutal year. Rising from literal ashes, she continues to move upwards and onwards with persistent passion. We hope Nina inspires you the way she inspires us– both in design and in her history. While we provide you with vibrant slipcovers to match your vision, Nina will help inspire that initial vision with her sustainable and vintage style.

To learn more about her life in Spain, her design aesthetic, and her published work, watch our Live Interview with Nina Eggens here. And don’t forget to follow her blog for inspiring design moodboards and life updates. At Rockin Cushions, we’re already subscribed and excited to see more from her.



Kathryn Blessington

Written by Kathryn Blessington (KTB)